"The People That Devote Their Lives to the Betterment of Youngsters Deserve Great Praise & Respect;
They Get That Here At SNI"

- Samantha Ste.Claire
President & COO, SNI

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Sports Network International, Inc. is a S-corporation that has worked primarily with kids and families for four decades. SNI has consistently tried to provide the safest, most enjoyable and fun activities for all of our attendees, all at the most affordable prices. Companies that maintain huge budgets with plenty of "extra money" at the end of the day in our eyes have overcharged their customers. Therefore, the idea of overcharging our customers simply to take their money and give it out to deserving individuals or groups WE SEE FIT seems arrogant and just wrong.

This being said, the members of SNI STRONGLY BELIEVE IN GIVING BACK, both personally and corporately. Giving back gives a deep sense of pride and satisfaction. Helping others reach for a new day rejuvenates us in ways that are revitalizing to the soul. SNI does this through two primary areas of giving; each making us feel alive and on fire with positive, resultsS-oriented giving.

SNI takes great pride in being a part of the youth community, both locally and across the United States. SNI often joins in "job sharing" and "flex time" arrangements where SNI employees are granted time away to use their time, talents and often SNI materials to help local sports leagues and other youth and family organizations. In the past, SNI has devoted many hours to groups such as Habitat for Humanity, Junior League, Boys & Girl Scouts, the Police Athletic League and other community outreach groups.

Additionally, Competition Director Justin Gates currently serves on several not-for-profit boards here in Ormond Beach that oversee and advise city commissioners on proper uses and improvements for the area recreational facilities. The Ormond Beach Recreation Advisory Board as well as the Friends of Ormond Beach assist many youngsters and families ensuring clean, safe and affordable recareation fun is a part of our city at all times.

Several years ago, the Sports Network Int'l Youth Foundation (SNIYF) was begun. This registered 501-c-3, not-for-profit agency has provided individuals, groups and corporations a vehicle to donate money and product to deserving youngsters involved in athletic competition. The relationship between SNI and the SNIYF is strong. SNI donates both time and money to then SNIYF, paying for all annual state and federal fees, as well as all other overhead costs. The SNIYF has no salaried emplyees and therefore witht he assistance of SNI, 100% of all money donated to the SNIYF is given back to the community it was formed to serve! This makes any donation to the SNIYF 100% strong as all money goes where it is intended!

The SNIYF has provided over $20,000 in college scholarships and team assistance in attending youth competitions to worthy individuals and groups. The educational training and safety briefings put in place by the SNIYF team are assisting coaches and teams around the country. Using the SNI event universe as a vehicle to both reach the youngsters it looks to serve, as well as provide the awesome MySchool and MyTeam databases in use for all SNI events, SNI could have no better partner than the SNIYF.

Of course, other outside groups provide tremendous assistance to our attendees. USA Football has been a solid contributor for the safety and education of players, parents and couaches! Glendale Industries, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University and Wilson Sporting Goods through the years have made items involving SNI better for all of our competitors through their involvement.

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