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NYFC Player 1

The collection of youth football players, parents and coaches that make up the famous NYFC weekend can be an attractive and eager group. Sports Network International and the Sports Network Int'l Youth Foundation in many cases welcomes certain targeted vendors that we believe may be of interest to the National Youth Football Championships attendees.

Very few vendors are accepted to attend the NYFC for many reasons. Some vendors do not have the track record of a spotless reputation we require to have our teams involved. Some have outlined their business plan that requires the ability to contact (and sometimes pester) people in advance (which is an immediate no). However more often, vendors maintain produts or services that we feel would simply be a bad fit for our event. It can be the product itself OR simply the way the product is laid out and offered will not work.

In hosting the event since 1974, SNI knows our teams and protects their interests in all we do. We also know our event layout and because of that, history dictates that some items simply will not work well in a multi-site, m ulti-day format tournament that the NYFC maintains. While the NYFC does maintain a centralized registration day, the event does not utilize a single centralized playing facility and instead, we play our games at premium facilities in and around town often miles apart. Therefore, too much manpower and too mouch geographic coverage will squash some offerings. We will generally not work with concepts that we KNOW will only be most successful for the vendors needing a different event footprint even if they say, "oh but we want to try this". We have a good travk record of knowing what will NOT work.

SNI constantly remains open to new ideas from vendors on-site that we believe have the potentisl to be successful for our teams and the vendors. Those vendors that DO make it here we are honored to have and we consider them a part of the fabric of the NYFC. We also eagerly listen to groups or concepts that have fundraising opportunities for our teams to help them be successful in their efforts to raise money for their needs.

So if you are a vendor and would like to discuss the ability for you to attend and be a part of the National Youth Football Championships, please contact our office at the address, phone or email listed below. We'd love to chat!

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