With an eye towards all viewers, the new and media section of the Drill Hall of Fame website maintains a wide variety of interests and drill styles.
To the immediate left, you will see a scrolling news ticker. This has news bites we fell belong highlighted and somewhat topical so they are stuck on here! If you have news or see news online from the drill world you believe deserves to be on the news ticker, please email and submit the web link if applicable and we may just put your information on-line and credit you for the discovery!
Two solid sources of military drill information on-line are "The Driller's Consortium" as well as "DrillNATION.net". Take a look around both as they both have forums with discussion, etc.
Obviously, we encourage all drill enthusiasts, especially those new to drill to do a search on YouTube or similar on-line video file systems and watch many of the drill routines from the individuals listed herein. You may even find a nomine or two to send into the Drill Hall of Fame, you just never know! (note: before posting videos you shoot at any drill competition, ensure you are aware of the privacy policy, as well as any copyright policies that may be in effect. For example, to see the Sports Network International copyright policy, click here.
As this site is built out, we would like this page to be the home for many on-line information sources for the individuals and groups inducted into the DHOF - check back often!.
Nationals Drill Camp

Seven days that will change
the life of any cadet or instructor
Sport Network International Youth Foundation

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