In 2022, Sports Network International is again hosting the Virtual Level competition of the NHSDTC event. This on-line competition has an entry deadline of MARCH 15th with a final deadline to have all competition videos uploaded by MARCH 25th.
For many years, a solid number of drill schools from more distant locales have bemoaned their inability to get to the Nationals and compete. To compare their skills with many of the most widely recognized powerhouse programs in the drill world. They do well locally and would love to have not only the direct, head-to-head review of scores to see how their performances would compare, but also the prestige and memory of competing in the largest, finest and most well-respected drill & ceremony competition held anywhere in the world. Well now you finally get something you wished for!
The 2022 On-Line Drill Nationals will begin a new era of worldwide schools competing like never before. This event promises to be very special. Schools from Germany, Hawaii and other more distant lands have already sought to make their attendance happen to put their program on the map on the biggest stage in JROTC drill. The On-Line Division of the Nationals will have both an ARMED & UNARMED division of competition. Events will include Regulation (Basic), Color Guard, Team Exhibition AND YES even a demonstration, non-awarded version of Unit Personnel INSPECTION! On-site schools competing in Daytona Beach will not be allowed to also participate in the Virtual Level of the NHSDTC (even with different cadets, sorry!). Schools may compete in just one event, two or all three team events thereby competing for an overall title in either or both divisions. And unlike at the on-site Nationals competition, your cadets MAY “cross over“ and compete on both Armed & Unarmed teams.
All events are basically 'one and done' meaning schools get one shot to video record and submit (therefore you cannot simply keep filming over and over until you get your best). While nothing can match the thrill of a live competition on the shores of Daytona Beach, the ability to have your school reviewed and judged by the same group who completed scoring the Masters Level events at the NHSDTC in Daytona Beach will allow you a great comparison of how your scores would have placed against some of the most talented & famous teams in the nation. With time pressures less stringent, judges will have more time to write more detailed notes for future improvement.
The cost to enter will be $50 per event (Regulation, Color Guard, Team Exhibition, Solo and/or Dual). Therefore a school looking to enter both an Armed & Unarmed team in all four events (10 total events)would be $400. Hundreds of other details, as well as floor diagrams, sequences, the event SOP and a detailed FAQ for the competition are found on this site. Schools may register at the top left of this page. Competition spaces are to be EXTREMELY limited as the judges time is at a premium during the NHSDTC. We expect to take no more than 25 schools into both categories of competition. We hope to see your school on-line competing in this inaugural event!
Sports Network International is extremely pleased, proud and excited to expand the Nationals annually in this manner. It has been sought for a long time by many and now the future is here. Sports Network International is certain that the upcoming Nationals will continue to be one fantastic all-service JROTC drill weekend - at home or in person - for all who choose to attend!