THE EXCELLENCE CONTINUES in beautiful Daytona Beach, Florida! A building that is sparkling, gorgeous and fitting for a competition of this stature! USACC sponsors the Army Nationals and with the support of the Brigades across the country, this will again be the largest gathering of Army-only JROTC talent annually assembled! Every Army school AFTER BEING NOMINATED BY THEIR BRIGADE can register to attend.
The Ocean Center Arena is located one block from the beautiful Atlantic Ocean and the white sands of Daytona Beach, the "Worlds Most Famous Beach". It is located just 5 miles from Daytona Beach Regional Airport and 6 miles from Interstate I-95. Orlando International Airport is only 1.5 hours away as well. The venue is amazing and stands ready to host the event. We are thrilled for the future of this event and we look forward to the best Army Nationals ever held! In the coming months, floor diagrams, photographs, parking and directions will make their way onto the site in the later Fall - stay tuned!
Thank you to all the schools and judges who helped to make the last event spectacular. Their feedback always mskes the future events even BETTER! USACC sponsors the Army Nationals and with the support of the Brigades across the country, this will again be the largest gathering of Army-only JROTC talent annually assembled! Every Army school after being nominated by their Brigade can register to attend BEGINNING 1 OCTOBER. Dates are finalized and participating HOST HOTELS are being worked and will be listed when registration opens for the upcoming Army Nationals!
The event is still the day immediately before the NHSDTC begins. And yes, interested schools can compete in BOTH the Army Nationals and then the NHSDTC the following two days. They may also decide to compete in the one day National JROTC Fitness Challenge Championships the following day. For logistical reasons, schools doing either of these other events along with the Army Nationals will generally choose to stay through the team package as it is required for the Fitness Championships and/or the NHSDTC.
While SNI is working hard to acquire as many reasonable hotels around the competition site for the use of the teams attending just the Army Championships, know that you are NOT REQUIRED to stay through SNI if you are JUST attending the Army Championships. You may book your own rooms and are encouraged to do so!
Sports Network International (SNI), a National Event Manager with over 40 years experience hosting JROTC competitions, will be hosting this major event with logistical support from several local groups. The judges, venue and other needs are finalizing and the event is ready to take place. The costs to attend the event will fall back to historical norms with the Army contract paying the balance. Costs to attend remain at $200 per school registration fee and $10 per competing cadet "REQUIRED" package fee. With this, every cadet will STILL receive all of the first-class items that have been a part of the "Army Nationals" event since the inception.
Army JROTC schools motivated to attend should contact their Brigade reps to learn how they can be nominated to be a part of the excitement. SNI encourages each Brigade to nominate their best teams armed & unarmed to give the event a solid geographic diversity. The USACC applauds the motivation from those schools that muster the school and community support that are needed to raise the needed funds and attend. They understand a trip to an event like this is cadet building and program building. The efforts on and off the drill floor by these unit should be rewarded well with this Army JROTC drill day of excellence! The spectacular, diverse competition field will be a mega hooah day for sure!
SNI encourages each Brigade to nominate their best teams to give the event a solid geographic diversity. All teams are accepted to attend on a first-come, first-served basis. The USACC applauds the motivation from those schools that muster the school and community support that are needed to raise the needed funds. They understand a trip to an event like this is cadet building and program building. The efforts on and off the drill floor by these unit should be rewarded well with this Army JROTC drill day of excellence! SNI plans to maintain a spectacular, diverse competition field with many fantastic Army JROTC drill programs and your program is welcome to attend!
Does your school have an ATHLETIC TEAM?

Click the logo above for information!
With a tight timeframe, schools need to think seriously of planning far in advance. Working closely with Brigades and Sports Network International, schools from throughout the United States can have an exceptionally satisfying, safe and stress-free competition in the Spring!
Sports Network remains honored to play a part in this exciting event. In working with the U.S. Army Cadet Command now for over three decades, we at SNI stand ready to continue to assist all instructors in making JROTC the vibrant program it has become over the decades.
Please encourage your parents, school administrators and others to attend and cheer on your team. Win or lose, the effort you give in preparation for your inclusion into these service championships are what these cadets will learn from and carry with them long after their JROTC days are behind them! Mostly, if there is ANYTHING our company can do to support your effort, please don't hesitate to ask!
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