Marine Corps JROTC National Drill Championships SOP Updates / Clarification Page
Below are the event update/clarifications that have been implemented since
the initial posting of all event materials. These items listed below are found in inverse chronological order to their date of implementation.
NATIONALS DRILL CAMP It could shape your JROTC career forever |
#1 - 08 February 2023: Update Page Set-up, Initial Items Posted
The Registration site is operating and posted on the myschool site for Marine Corps teams who have earned a competition site. Schools selected to attend should click the REGISTRATION button to ensure your school is set to attend with Event Manager Sports Network International.
#2 - 20 February 2024: SOP, Score sheets posted
The 2024 event SOP and score sheets have been posted.
#3 - 09 December 2024: Added two HALTS to the CG Sequence
Received a phone call from Brennan HS in Texas, Was told that the CG sequences posted needed a modification. I told them we are not permitted by contract to make changed to the sequences - we post what we are given. We did say that if you have the corrected sequences, we can take it from the MC Drill Committee and post it on the wensite. We soon received this from Brennan. The corrected sequence has THREE PAUSED commands in the first 12 commands listed and is posted. If YOUR SEQUENCE does not have this, you are not using the incorrect sequences. please go HERE to download your correct sheets.