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Solo & Dual Exhibition Individual Events
Frequently Asked Questions

at the
National High School
Drill Team Championships

QUESTION #1 - What is the NHSDTC Solo & Dual Competition?
While most people clicking here already know this, it bears repeating that the NHSDTC is the home to the largest and most talented competition field of drillers ever assembled in one location! This is not bragging or boasting, it is a statement of simple fact that is echoed by every attendee, every year. It has been called the "Mecca for Military Drill". The event maintains a large team competition at numerous levels with thousands of cadets attending from throughout the world, as well as an Open Level Color Guard event with schools entering stand-alone color guards against one another. It also maintains several different divisions of drillers competing both with and without weapons in solo and/or dual exhibition drill. If you are a post high school driller, you compete within the World Drill Championships and should click on the link provided and go to that website for your information. If you are a high school cadet and you drill in solo and/or dual exhibition competition, you are in the right place here - read on!

QUESTION #2 - Specifically, What Events Are a Part of the NHSDTC Solo & Dual Competition?
If you have a rifle, you enter the Armed Solo and/or Dual competition(s). If you are Unarmed, you enter the Unarmed Dual competition with a partner (there is no Unarmed Solo competition, only dual).

QUESTION #3 - How Much Does It Cost to Register and Attend?
Costs and requirements to attend the NHSDTC as a stand alone solo and/or dual competitors are COMPLETELY DIFFERENT than those attending as a school or a color guard (i.e., much more simple and less expensive!) For those looking to enter the NHSDTC Solo & Dual Championships, the entry fee for one or two Solo entries from the same school, as well as a Dual entry into the NHSDTC competition is a reduced $75 fee (this gets you TWO solo and ONE dual competition slots). By attending ONLY as a solo and/or dual competitor without a school affiliation, there will also be a REQUIRED $35 package cost per competing cadet that pays for a shirt, medal, patch, and 8x10 photograph. For additional questions in this area, we always recommend calling or emailing SNI BEFORE you register to best plan your attendance and ensure it works within your budget.

QUESTION #4 - How Many Cadets Are Accepted to Compete?
Due to massive demand, changes in the method of competition allows a virtual unlimited number of qualified entrants. However in practical terms, the Armed division is expected to host about 75 solo and 45 dual teams maximum and the Unarmed Division Duals should total around 40 total pairs.

QUESTION #5 - Specifically, How is the Competition Structured?
The entered cadets are placed in a blind draw and competition times are assigned. Competition times are then posted the day prior to the event (NOTE: please do not ask for your time any earlier). All competitors need to be prepared to be in town and ready to compete from 0700 the day of your competition forward. Please review the NHSDTC Schedule and other related items to see what day(s) your event(s) are being held. Cadets will be reviewed by 3-4 judges (more in the final rounds) and winners will be identified at the Awards Ceremony evening.

If any division maintains more than 40 total entries, SNI reserves the right to SPLIT the competition field into two groups with separatly judged events, and then have a designated number of top finishing cadets from each group advance to compete in a "final round" event with separate scoring. This is EXPECTED to occur within both the Armed SOLO and Armed DUAL competition fields and possibly the Unarmed Dual competition.

QUESTION #6 - Are There Different Levels of the Solo & Dual Competition?
No, there is only one level of competition available for all to enter, meaning everyone competes together from the entries within the Division I, II and III Levels and Open Level Color Guard cadets, as well as cadets attending from across the United States just for the solo & dual event.

QUESTION #7 - What Are the Qualifications to Compete?
Every school attending the NHSDTC competition is granted a single entrant into the Solo & Dual competition as a part of their Nationals inclusion. Those cadets wishing to complete in the Solo and/or Dual events WITHOUT an attending school are known as "stand-along entries". These cadets MAY be required to submit a DVD to SNI for review or post a video on YouTube to be reviewed by SNI depending on their qualifications listed on the entry form. NOTE: This is a lofty competition. It is suggested that entrants maintain a top three finish in local meets before attempting entry into the NHSDTC competition. While we often make exceptions for cadets with positive attitude who have worked hard and wish to be a part of the event to learn and grow as a driller, it is NOT for those simply looking to hang out and are not serious about their routine or their drill. Cadets don't have to be a champion from their area, but all competitors should have the basic skills to put on a good show at the event.

QUESTION #8 - Can I Compete in Both the Armed Division, then also in the Unarmed Division Dual Event?
No, a cadet may only compete in one solo and one dual event, no exceptions.

QUESTION #9 - How Do I Apply to Attend the NHSDTC Solo & Dual Event(s)?
Cadets attending with teams competing at the Nationals do not need to register separately - they request a slot on the registration form sent into SNI. The event is also filled with awesome drillers from across the United States that ARE NOT attending with the competing teams. These independent drillers looking to enter the NHSDTC Solo & Dual competition do so by clicking on the REGISTER TODAY button on the main website and register your entry like any team would. Simply omit the questions that do not pertain to you as a solo/dual entry. Gone are the days of entry forms, etc. You register on-line, you pay either on-line or by mail. We strongly encourage you to read through this FAQ and the rest of the website to be fully informed before registering. But read below...

QUESTION #10 - Your MySchool Website Asks a Few Questions That Make No Sense As an Individual Entrant - HELP?
In a word, CORRECT! We apologize for this but rest assured if you simply enter the information YOU FEEL is important, this will get you in the event and we can change or fill in other missing and/or incorrect info later. Most important and most confusing item is really very simple. Cadets can attend and compete in the event as a solo/dual competitor EITHER with the SCHOOL submitting the entry (like your instructor filling out the entry and handling the submission of everything), OR you can attend and compete COMPLETELY INDEPENDENT of any school affiliation at all. Therefore, when it asks for school (you may write non-affiliated if coming with no school connection) address, phone numbers, etc., you should list your number of the controlling chaperones info - if coming without a school affiliation, list your parents. if coming with the program, list your senior instructor. So this info should be based on both WHO and HOW the paperwork is coming to the event. Mostly DON'T SWEAT IT - we will contact YOU if we need anything

QUESTION #11 - I'm not attending with my JROTC unit and I was told I MUST have a chaperone, is this true?
Cadets competing here that are attending with their program have their adult instructors supervising their attendance. Any other cadet that is attending MUST HAVE AN "ADULT" supervising their stay. if the supervisor is not a parent, older relative (25 or over), etc., the designated chaperone must make contact with your parents and ensure they have your parents permission to serve as a chaperone and the chaperone must meet the approval of SNI. Therefore, please do not register to attend UNTIL you have your chaperone situation fully resolved. SNI may revoke your participation within the NHSDTC competition AT ANY POINT IF WE BELIEVE YOUR CHAPERONE SITUATION IS NOT COMPLETELY SQUARED AWAY TO OUR SATISFACTION. Only in rare instances will be allow a chaperone to SHARE responsibilities and be responsible for multiple cadets not staying in the same room together. If you are picking up on the drift here, THIS IS A BIG DEAL. Do NOT test SNI on this, you will lose. There are NO exceptions on this one - every high school attendee (REGARDLESS OF YOUR AGE THE DAY OF THE COMPETITION) MUST attend the event with a chaperone. This chaperone can be a parent, relative, friend or JROTC instructor.

QUESTION #12 - There Are Two Cadets Attending From My School - Can We Share the Same Chaperone and Stay in the Same Room?
Absolutely, how you stay in Daytona Beach is your call if you are attending without coming with a school competing in a team event. All we are concerned with is that their is an adult that will be responsible and in charge of all attending cadets. They must be approved by mom and/or dad and have the ability to be contacted by SNI at all times before and during the competition.

QUESTION #13 - Do I Attend the Event Through the Team Package Like All Other NHSDTC Attendees?
No, those cadets competing WITHOUT an attending school entering just the solo and/or dual competition events will simply pay the $75 event Registration Fee and the $35 per cadet package fee.

QUESTION #14 - What Date Do I Need to Register By to Get a Slot?
While the early December initial entry deadline applies to all team entries, a much more flexible entry policy is maintained for the Solo and/or Dual competition due to the liberal ability to expand the size of the competition field. Must like getting into the college you want, applying early helps. Therefore, cadets looking to enter the Solo and/or Dual Exhibition competition SHOULD register no later than March 1st to have the best chance of gaining a competition slot but of course the earlier the better the chance of getting in!

QUESTION #15 - Can I Enter a Dual Exhibition Event With a Cadet From Another School?
No, all entries in the NHSDTC must come from the same school. Therefore any Dual Exhibition entrant must have both cadets from the same school. The only exception to this is for youngsters who are in Civil Air Patrol, Young Marines, Army Cadet Corps, and/or Naval Sea Cadets or similar non-school based programs.

QUESTION #16 - Do I Need To Be in JROTC to Compete in the NHSDTC?
There is no requirement that you be a part of JROTC to compete in any phase of the Nationals, However, schools or cadets competing together within a JROTC unit must all attend the same high school. However, community-based cadets such as Naval Sea Cadets, Army Cadet Corps, Young Marines, etc. do not have this limitation.

QUESTION #17 - Do I Need To Have JROTC Instructor Approval to Attend the NHSDTC?
If your school maintains a JROTC program, (whether you are entered within it or not), you MUST have approval from the JROTC Senior Instructor to be accepted into the NHSDTC event. Failure to maintain this approval will likely result in your removal from the NHSDTC event. Remember and remind your instructor, you can attend as a non-affiliate and they will have no duties nor any responsibility for you at the NHSDTC. This would be your parents job. If you attend a high school where JROTC is NOT offered, then you are not required to obtain any permissions to attend from any higher authority (other than mom and/or dad!).

QUESTION #18 - I have Competition Questions - Where Are the Rules?
The rules for the NHSDTC and all events within it are in the event SOP & Score sheets. Read them CAREFULLY. Look through the event score sheets as well to see how your routines can maximize the points available.

QUESTION #19 - What If I Still Have Questions?
After reading through this FAQ and the NHSDTC SOPs, please email, message or call SNI at the contact locations listed below.

Sports Network International
388 Muddy Creek Lane / Ormond Beach, Florida 32174-1213
voice)386/274-1919 - fax)386/274-1255
Send Questions or Order Information to: - Sports Network International

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SNI Main Page

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