Drill Camp Logo SNIYF Logo



"Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible"

- Anthony Robbins

General Information About the NDC
Welcome Letter to Those Attending the NDC
A Look at the History and Background of the NDC
Details Regarding the Mission and Goals of the NDC
Detailed Information About the Senior Instructors at the NDC

Proud Sponsor of the
Nationals Drill Camp
Schreiner University
The mission of the Nationals Drill Camp is to make a life changing difference in the lives of the cadets and instructors who attend the camp. This mission is totally in keeping with the mission of the 501-c-3 not-for-profit Sports Network Int'l Youth Foundation (SNIYF), the host organization for the Nationals Drill Camp. This mission will be accomplished through a total emersion into the world of military drill & ceremony through knowledgeable, dedicated instructors brought in from across the United States. The instructors by example teach safety, leadership, teaching skills and of course DRILL! Interesting lesson plans with dynamic instructors will facilitate learning both in small and large groups, using classroom and practical instruction, to ensure the attending individuals can not only become more proficient and knowledgeable in all aspects of military drill, but to take that knowledge and transfer it to others within their unit upon their return to their JROTC program.

The NDC will always strive to bring in both a diversity of cadets AND a diversity of instructors. The NDC will be priced as affordable as possible, thereby giving the widest number of individuals the opportunity and ability to attend. This commitment to keeping the camp costs down will never be done in a manner where the depth and breath of instruction, nor the safety of the attendees will be compromised.

- To provide an interactive and supportive learning environment.
- To give every attendee with a passion for drill an expressive outlet to nurture this feeling in a once-in-a-lifetime manner.
- Expose every attendee to diverse instruction to allow well-rounded instruction in all areas of military drill.
- Learn practical skills, develop competencies and acquire knowledge that will be retained in all facets of military drill.
- To take this knowledge and provide usable tools to ensure this knowledge is put to use to better the cadet and the cadet's program
- Allow attendees the flexibility to gain and even greater in-depth knowledge on a specific topic of interest to them.
- To work hard and have fun!

Site updated CONSTANTLY by Justin Gates - Sports Network Int'l Youth Foundation