Having problems downloading the SNI PDF files?

Many documents on the Sports Network website have been made available in the *.pdf format only. You will need to view them and print them using Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF). This is free software available for download from trusted software vendor Adobe Systems. This will allow you to see them exactly as they were written by Sports Network. To view them, you will need to download Acrobat Reader.

If your computer displays a blank page or "locks up" when downloading, try the following:
#1) download the file again and see if the file appears correctly this time (unlikely).
#2) right click on the link, save the file to your hard drive, then try to open from your hard drive with Adobe Acrobat.
#3) If you still cannot get these items to download, your firewall and security may be set-up too tight -
      ask another person to download the file from home and bring it to you.
#4) If you STILL connot get a full download, contact us and we will get these to you by fax or another method.

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